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Our Courses

What is 'hypnobirthing'? Put simply, hypnobirthing is antenatal education combined with a relaxation practice for birth.
In preparing for a relaxed, confident and faith-filled birth, We highly recommend you combine using the Christian Hypnobirthing app (which makes up the relaxation practice) with a childbirth educational course. Below are our courses, as well as other courses and products we recommend.

We also have special discounts for Christian Hypnobirthing app users, which are listed in the caption of each item.

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The Pain Free Birth Course

10% Discount Code: CHB10

“But labor is supposed to be painful, right?” you ask.
Nope. Here’s the skinny: The idea that birth is unavoidably painful comes from a fear-based, over-medicalized Western CULTURAL view of birth.

I hate to break it to you, girlfriend, but you’ve been lied to!

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The Empowered Postpartum Course

20% Discount Code: CHB20

Setting Yourself Up for a Great Postpartum, Infant Sleep, Pelvic Floor Health and Recovery, Feeding Your Baby and Maternal Mental Health modules from five incredible postpartum professionals to help you have the best postpartum experience possible.

Other Courses and Products We Recommend

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